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Bigger, Better, and Tastier BBQs with Lumpwood Charcoal from Black Dog Forestry

April 19, 2023

The summer season heralds the return of BBQs, and nothing compares to the sizzling sensation of grilling under the open sky. At CDS, we understand the love for a great BBQ and we share it too! That’s why we’ve searched far and wide for the finest charcoal to ignite your grills. After countless hours of meticulous research and grilling tests, we are thrilled to announce our newest product – the outstanding Lumpwood Charcoal from Black Dog Forestry in West Sussex.

Before we delve into the many benefits of this premium charcoal, let’s clarify something important – not all charcoal is created equal. Lumpwood charcoal stands out as a superior option, but why? Lumpwood refers to the precise process in which the wood is burned low and slow, with minimal oxygen, to create a charcoal that is virtually pure carbon. Here are the reasons why our Lumpwood Charcoal is the champion choice:

No Chemical Coating

Many charcoals come coated with chemicals to prevent accidental ignition during transit. These chemicals need to be burned off before you can safely grill, which is why you wait for the charcoal to turn white. Our Lumpwood Charcoal is different. It’s a no chemical charcoal that’s safe to use from the get-go, providing a healthier grilling experience.

The Burn

The process of creating our Lumpwood Charcoal is environmentally considerate. We use the harmful gases released during burning as a fuel to transform the wood into charcoal. It’s a win for your BBQ and a win for the planet.

The Source

Trust is a crucial element when purchasing charcoal. Unfortunately, it can be hard to track the true origin of many charcoal products on the market, leaving you in the dark about what you’re buying and where your money is going. Our Lumpwood Charcoal comes straight from the well-managed woodlands of Black Dog Forestry in West Sussex. Say goodbye to the worry of contributing to deforestation or supporting shady practices.

The Supply Chain

We’re proud to sell Lumpwood Charcoal made right here in the UK. Many charcoals are shipped from thousands of miles away, adding unnecessary carbon emissions to their supply chain. Our charcoal is local, reducing its carbon footprint and supporting our economy.

Applications of Lumpwood Charcoal

Our Lumpwood Charcoal is tailor-made for BBQ lovers. It burns cleaner, lasts longer, produces less smoke, and emits no unpleasant odours. When you buy Lumpwood Charcoal in Guernsey from CDS, you’re not just getting a product – you’re guaranteeing a superior grilling experience.


This summer, don’t let subpar charcoal cast a shadow over your BBQ. Step up your grilling game with Black Dog Forestry Lumpwood Charcoal from CDS. Convenient 3kg bags are available, ensuring you have plenty of high-quality fuel for all your summer cookouts. Remember, a great BBQ starts with premium charcoal. Happy grilling!